An Exercise for Grounding to the Heart of the Universe

How to Ground Into the Heart of the Universe


France Lecture

Do you ever feel like you are always running on empty no matter how hard you try to keep your tank full? 

We live in a world full of constant stimulation and activity that can drain our energy. When we turn inward to focus on grounding and centering ourselves, we can tap into our true power and recharge. Only then can we surrender and let the universe guide us to our highest potential! Although grounding to the heart of the Universe may seem out of reach, the truth lies within. 

The Importance of Grounding

It’s so easy to get caught up in the chaos of day-to-day life, but what if you could find balance instead? By grounding your energy and connecting to Mother Earth you can. 

The Root chakra – or root of the body –  is at the core of your Chakra energy. When this is in balance, energy flows open and freely through all of your other Chakras. Located at the base of the spine, tailbone, or pelvic floor, the Root chakra energy aligns us physically and energetically with Mother Earth. 

Without this solid foundation, we can’t unlock our true power. So to help your Chakra energy remain open try meditation, movement like dance or yoga, breath work, sound baths, daily affirmations, and crystals. 

Related article: Understanding the 12 Chakra System

The Importance of Grounding to the Heart of the Universe

Why do we need to connect with the Universe?

When your energy is in total alignment, your mind, body, and spirit act as one. A radiant, positive energy flows through you and this allows you to connect with the Universe and Source from your highest Self. 

When you are truly grounded you’ll be able to tap into your intuition more clearly and allow the Universe to guide you. And the physical world won’t seem as chaotic anymore. It’s an act of surrender. Finding balance, being fully present, and trusting the Universe and Source to guide us into our best lives. Pretty amazing, right?! 

How to Ground Into the Heart of the Universe

In true Stacey fashion, I recently received an inspired nudge from my Divine Dream Team to create a tool to help me clear out that tank and focus on being in my body, in a NEW WAY!  

My Guides shared that part of the reason I’m feeling disconnected is that I’m needing more access to my home frequency right here on Earth. And the only way to get that is to ground into that higher frequency and BE it. 

I need to use a new recipe for rooting and connecting with the Heart of the Universe. So I created a MEDITATION to get me there and I’m sharing it with you!  Let’s all learn to ground into our origin energy and thrive!

It’s about 15 minutes of fun so no matter what is going on in your world today (or any day), you’ll have 15 blissful minutes JUST FOR YOU, to feel grounded, centered, and fully recharged for whatever you choose to DO or BE!  

However you choose to enjoy this resource, my wish is that it brings you exactly what you need to fill your tank! 

And if you want more resources like this available on demand, check out my membership community, Ignite Your Wings: Wisdom for Transformation. Through this empowering community, you’ll have full access to powerful tools, teachings, and support on a regular basis. PLUS, you’ll receive access to my live monthly event “Phoenix Rising” only available to members. 

Are you ready to awaken & transform? Join my membership community now!

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