Choose Happiness & Ascend Your Consciousness: Embracing Dualistic Energy



France Lecture

Happy is NOT a destination… how can we use what we learn in every experience to live positive and fulfilling lives?

Chello All! Welcome to an awesome exploration of dualistic energy and its power to help us choose happiness and grow as individuals. We’ll check out how embracing positive attitudes, thinking, and choosing happiness can lead to an amazing shift in our consciousness. 

We’ll also take a look at Archangel Cassiel and his role in our journey towards ascension. Yay!


Ascend Your Consciousness

Happiness as a Journey, Not a Destination

First up Number 1, we often think of happiness as something far away or hard to achieve. But that’s not how it works, guys! Happiness is a journey, and it’s all around us. We just have to make the choice to be happy. When we shift our perspective to understand that happiness is a state of being, we become empowered to choose it, no matter the situation. It’s pretty cool, right?


Applying Wisdom and Staying in High Frequency

Number 2, Wisdom is great and everything, but it’s in applying what we learn that we become truly enlightened. By thinking, feeling, and acting positively, we can raise our vibration and choose happiness and abundance. It’s like we have the power to make our own happiness. Our high-frequency state opens us up to greater possibilities and synchronicities. Yeah!

Embracing Dualistic Energy and Appreciating the JourneyEmbracing Dualistic Energy

Number 3, Life is an adventure full of ups and downs, and embracing all those experiences is pretty important. When we accept and appreciate the differences between good and bad, we become grateful for everything in our lives. We also learn to find happiness in every moment, even when things aren’t going smoothly. Embracing this duality is really the key to fulfillment and happiness.

Archangel Cassiel and Ascension of Consciousness

Number 4, As we go on our journey of growth and happiness, we’re guided by divine beings. Archangel Cassiel is here to help us through life’s difficulties and challenges. Cassiel gives us the strength, wisdom, and clarity we need to navigate our path. He helps us see things from a higher perspective and reminds us that we have the power to choose happiness and transform our consciousness.


Bottom line – the journey through dualistic energy is all about choosing happiness in every moment. It’s not a destination. 

By applying what we learn, staying high-frequency, and embracing all life has to offer, we unlock the transformative power of happiness & ascension. 

With the help of Archangel Cassiel, we can face life’s challenges and grow into better versions of ourselves. 

So come on guys, let’s start this journey together!

With lots of divine guidance & joy,


The Black Feather Intuitive

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